Frequently Asked Questions

We try to include everything you need to have a great day with us. The registration fee includes lunch, green fees with cart, dinner after golf, and a gift bag with some goodies for you.
First we want to let everyone know we are a 100% volunteer organization. There are no fees or salaries taken out of any of the donations. Once we have sorted through everything at the end of the event and paid any expenses, we split our proceeds evenly between the Southeastern Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Foundation and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
Let’s be completely honest. Most of us don’t either, or at least very well. We welcome players of any skill level. But if you really don’t play we still welcome you to take part in the event. You are welcome to come for the food and friends, or our raffle and auction.
We get all kinds of different and excellent items each year. Most of our items are donated from various generous individuals and companies. You will find items like golf equipment, autographed and sports memorabilia to booze, jewelry and even weekend getaways. Make sure you stick around for the meat portion of the raffle.
We are always in need of more volunteers help with our event. A lot of work goes into the preparation and set up. Extra hands are always appreciated. If you think you can help please contact us.
We welcome donations or items of any type. We can use anything you want to donate to raffle or auction off at our event. We will also mention you at our dinner as a donor and put your logo/name in our materials. Please contact us to make arrangements.
We have several different types of sponsorships available. We have sponsorship levels from $50 – $2,000 and everything in between. You can see a list of our sponsorships on our Donations & Sponsorships page, or Contact Us to create a special sponsorship just for you.
We golf as long as the course allows us on the course. In the event of bad weather lunch and auction will still be held at 2:00 PM.