2019 CARE Golf Outing: Great Success!

We weathered it all…literally!
And we still had an amazing 2020 golf outing.
The day of the 2019 CARE Golf Outing started as a sunny, 75 degree day. But, we were prepared. Various local weather forecasters predicted an astonishing range of possibilities for the day—and they didn’t disappoint! (Of course that last part is subjective, depending on who you ask.) Our lovely start to the day changed quickly and by 2pm it was cloudy and 55 degrees. ‘The weather in Wisconsin,’ or so they say. Even though many of the golfers stopped into the clubhouse at the turn to add another layer of clothing, we still managed to have a great day and best of all, there was no rain!!!
The 2019 CARE Golf Outing raised almost $16,000 with 125 golfers and a bunch of great volunteers giving their time to help make it all work out.
We are looking forward to the 2020 CARE Golf Outing, which will take place on June 20, 2020. The 14th Annual C.A.R.E (Cancer and Alzheimer’s Research Event) to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation, The Alzheimer’s Association Southeastern Wisconsin Chapter and the MACC (Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer). This exciting golf outing will again be held at Ironwood Golf Course in Sussex on Saturday, June 20, 2020.
Registration is now open, so be sure to register early to reserve your spot!
There are also lots of opportunities for sponsorship, silent auction donations and more!